It’s unreal that San Francisco apparently does absolutely NOTHING for the homeless.…/news/article-11161049/Shocking-new-images-reveal-extend-homelessness-San-Francisco.html

… The outrage comes as California governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill that would have allowed certain cities to open supervised drug-injection sites in a policy geared towards providing addicts with controlled substances in a supervised environment, connecting them with rehabilitation centers.

The hope was to stem the rising tide of fatal overdoses in the state. But in a veto letter, the governor wrote that he had concerns about the ‘unintended consequences’ of the bill.

‘I have long supported the cutting edge of harm reduction strategies,’ Newsom wrote in the letter to legislators.

‘However, I am acutely concerned about operations of safe injection sites without strong, engaged local leadership and well-documented, vetted and thoughtful operational and sustainability plans.’

Among the cities that saw the consequences of the open-air drug market was San Francisco, where leaders greenlit its first facility last year that spurred vagrants in homeless encampments across the city to use illegal substances out in broad daylight.

San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who championed the site as a place for addicts to get help, has since made a screeching U-turn as she announced the facility will be closed by the end of the year. …

The entire article is about nothing but drug use and crime.

California has a budget SURPLUS and I just can’t understand why they don’t have options for people who are NOT addicts who don’t want help.

Ultimately, I blame people like Mark Horvath — apparently a truly EVIL human being.

I found the Invisible YouTube videos when I was trying to find help for Elliot.  Instead, I found another likely HUGE nonprofit scam.

Mark Horvath “helps” the homeless by “marketing” the almost homeless on YouTube, enticing them to donate in countless GoFundMe campaigns so that they will be the FUTURE homeless.

I find nothing more deplorable than people who CLAIM to be doing good when they’re actually giant frauds, exploiting the victims while enriching themselves and their friends.

At the bottom of I found his LinkedIn account. I could not find any way to contact him, so I started posting comments in response to his disgusting posts.

Hi Mark,

I’m a 64-year old woman with $266/month social security planning my suicide once I sold my “forever” home, probably next spring, and then ran out of money.

I’m not going to be in one of your videos, begging, crying, …. it’s not my style.

So I have a few questions for you:

1) Are you now part of the system? Like Greenpeace, Sierra Club, etc?

2) Where can I review the financials with all the income and expenses for your organization?

3) What have you accomplished?

I don’t need to watch more sob stories, have working eyes and despite my brain damage, know what’s going on.

I don’t need to call or tweet legislators … there could not be a bigger waste of time.|

“We have been pushing out the same messaging on Housing First, often spending huge money on research and marketing campaigns, yet support for housing continues to decrease. Some of the marketing campaigns I’ve seen actually create opposition. ”

Exactly. So who are you paying all that “huge money” to and WHY?

Where is that research?

How many lawsuits have you filed and where I can I review the filings?

I apologize for the tone and would have contacted you privately if I had found a way without paying Linkedin huge amounts for a premium membership.

I posted this probably 5 or so times in response to his posts.   Never got a reply.  Until some Canadian scammer (marketer) told me how busy Mark is in a very condescending reply.

I can imagine he’s busy living the good life with all the cash he is scamming.

EXPLOITING the homeless.   Making them cry in the videos.  So that the people who are likely close to being homeless donate to the homeless — who then get a few bucks, but NOTHING ever changes.

Instead of a response with a link to their financials, Mark Horvath blocked me.

That’s what SCAMMERS do.

An honest person would have sent me the link to their financials and answered my questions.

If I only had more time to get the Invisible financials for a full analysis.

In previous nonprofit investigations, I learned that they usually overpay some relative or friend for services and then they get kickbacks.

I sure wonder what his official pay is.

If I only had more hours in my day.

If only someone else cared enough to do some research.