I LOVE BrainHQ. I’ve only used it for a few months and it’s truly incredible how my memory and brain speed improved. I just started with navigation and I’m struggling, but slowly catching on.
I use BrainHQ to diagnose my brain damage and found that my big problem is LEARNING the exercises. Sometimes I can’t even figure out what to do and have to watch instructional videos. But after some training, I get better at it.
I recently got 5 stars on the first try of a new level in a memory exercise. I already knew the exercise, it just got more difficult. And I can definitely tell when I’m tired and just can’t focus.
So far I’ve only once seen a TIMED exercise once and I failed terribly. The STRESS!
I’m following the personal trainer and hope that whenever I get back to those timed exercises I might get better at handling stress and have fewer working memory failures when facing deadlines.
There have been weeks when I was just too busy with litigation and/or rentals and my brain was fried, needed REST more than anything. Hope to have more time for BrainHQ.
It is truly inspiring to see 86-year-old Nicewonger still doing so well.
He talks about “curiosity”. I don’t know anyone with curiosity about anything. People are living like drones.
I recommend watching the video to see some of the exercises.
The birds are for brain speed. One time I smoked weed at night and then scored 99%. I was in the ZONE, using my mouse and no longer “seeing” the slightly different-looking bird. “Intuition”, for lack of a better word, got me so many points. Subconscious. I’d like to see a study on that.
In some exercises I “cheat”, like counting cards to determine the most likely correct answers. In memory exercises with moving elements, I leave the cursor on the first one, a HUGE advantage. But for most exercises, it’s only up to the brain, eyes and ears to do well.
The sound sweeps are my least favorite. The first sound exercise sounded exactly like some of the birds in my garden just before dark.
In a new exercise I recently and consistently only got one star and that never happened before. 2 stars was my lowest score until then.
Is it “da” or “ga”?
It almost always sounded like “da” to me. But, I’m getting better at that too. The sound exercises also require more intuition than “thinking” about what I heard to get 4 or even 5 stars.
On the days when Nicewonger is feeling cloudy in his mind, he turns to a fairly new brain health program called Brain HQ based out of San Francisco.
“What it does is it rewires the brain to help people think faster and focus better and remember more,” said Dr. Henry Mahncke.
Dr. Mahncke helped develop the training program. It has been in the works for years. In 2017, a study presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference found an almost 30% reduction in dementia risk in older adults that used Brain HQ.
“The most powerful tools we have are changes in how we use our brain,” Dr. Mahncke said “It’s like brain training, physical exercise, diet, nutrition, sleep, social contact and stress, all those contribute to building a more resilient brain and then helping put off or delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s and dementia later in life.”
This concept of brain fitness is a team effort between Posit Science, the San Francisco YMCA and UCSF.
“You’ll be doing a combination of physical activities, learning about nutrition understanding sleep and of course are critical brain health training,” said Chip Rich, Senior Vice President of Operations of San Francisco YMCA.
The San Francisco YMCA has already incorporated diabetes prevention into their programming and they saw success. Now, Rich wants those tools to implement more brain health options for the Y’s older participants, using a community setting to build long lasting behavior change.
NOT mentioned in this article:
Alzheimer’s actually starts DECADES before people have any symptoms.
And that’s just one reason why BrainHQ is NOT just for old people. Even teenagers would benefit as they establish a baseline and it is supposed to help with ADHD, rampant among young people. I’ve hosted volunteers in their early 20s with such serious brain damage, I was thinking circles around them and had to ask some to leave. That bad.
I’ve only had about an hour or two a week for BrainHQ, but would really like to brain train every day.
Just submitted my motion for a stay in my litigation last night. I’ve been sitting at the computer most waking hours, haven’t had time and energy to prepare real food, gained weight and am not feeling well. So much stress trying to get help for Elliot and having to deal with scum-sucking bottom-feeding lying lawyers.
Luckily we had an amazing monsoon season and I didn’t have to water so much, but my garden is so incredibly neglected that I’m growing TUMBLEWEEDS. Haven’t had time to pull them and now they’re HUGE. If you ever touched one, you know why I’m not looking forward to dealing with them.
Time to regenerate for a few weeks while getting my house in order.