Monday night I filed a motion to stay my litigation until 9/30/22 because my brain has been so overloaded, my working memory has been failing, I’m so stressed with all the deadlines, nobody helping Elliot, I’m so incredibly behind on so many projects and I have to organize the countless medical records and filings to properly respond to the pending motion to compel my expert witness disclosures.   I don’t have any expert witnesses, don’t even know yet what we’re arguing about.

For about a month my defendants have had my 6+ hour audio recording from the time I left my truck to go to Dr. Ohri’s office on 1/29/20 until 6 hours later.

Absolute proof that I’m telling the truth and they are lying — in their court filings and in their medical records.

Why would I need a neurologist to testify about that?

The RECORDS speak for themselves. 

And that’s why I need ALL available records and I need to be able to find them when needed.

Yesterday, Monday, I thought I’d get started on organizing documents and learning the new software I just bought.

Of course, I had to deal with daily business first, email, etc.

I had requested all records from Care 1st, my health insurer until May 2020.  

Yesterday they emailed me a claims report:

Care 1st billing record

One page from the Care 1st billing record

What is THAT supposed to be?

Attorney Kathleen Elder, Partner at Jones, Skelton & Hochuli, P.L.C., claims that her client Kingman Regional Medical Center (KRMC) cannot identify the person who ordered me incarcerated at the Southwest Loony Bin.  My complaint and exhibits:

Can you imagine any hospital NOT knowing who ordered someone to the Loony Bin?

Attorney Elder acts like that’s perfectly normal and moved to dismiss KRMC and their doctors, pointing at the unidentified guy.  Unreal.

The attending doctor Adam Dawson appeared to have communicated with John Doe according to the KRMC records. He doesn’t remember who he spoke with?

I’ll have to analyze hundreds of pages of medical records to identify countless mistakes, omissions, misrepresentations, and outright lies.

Since KRMC cannot identify John Doe, I need all the billing records.  Presumably, there is some billing record.

Now that I’ve seen this claims report, I have so many more questions — AFTER I reviewed the actual records.

WHY is Care 1st “swatting” me?

Care 1st is “swatting” me, but instead of claiming that there is a crime in process, they falsely claim that I’m committing suicide NOW.  “Suiciding” means murdering someone and staging the murder as a suicide.  What’s the term for what Care 1st is doing?

8/30/22 1:38 pm, Tuesday:

I got a call from Travis with Crisis Line after Care 1st submitted a FALSE report about me.

Wasted almost 28 minutes on the phone and was of course seriously stressed (PTSD from my time at KRMC and in the Loony Bin).  Could not do any brain work until I finally somehow managed to submit my complaint to the Ombudsman regarding Elliot late at night. [9/6/22 update:  My complaint was again rejected, as by the AZ AG.]

8/31/22 1:13 pm, Wednesday:

I received ANOTHER call from Crisis Line, only 34-seconds, primarily me screaming at the poor woman to never ever call me again.

I was furious, fired off another email to Care 1st’s Kimberly Silas with two links so they could read how they are forcing me to commit suicide even sooner.

When Crisis Line called today I had just responded to a tech support email for my new document library software and I was totally focused on how to classify my documents, which fields to set up, etc.

Instead of FINALLY getting started with organizing, I was so stressed again. I did laundry, dishes, cleaning, the kind of work I do after I smoke cannabis at night to destress and lower my blood pressure.

Since Care 1st ensured that I was thinking about my death, I finally signed up for Science Care — the company that hauls away your dead body for FREE.   I still need two witnesses for my signature.   And that’s what I was going to write about in this post.

But, Care 1st just had to try to get me killed one more time.

[Self-censored, what I think of Kimberly Silas and everybody involved in this effort to get me killed]

9/1/2022 13:51 pm:  Care 1st continued to ignore me.


Care 1st inspired me to set up a new category at my blog:

“Responsible for my early demise”

Please advise of any incorrect statements.

Whether it’s a heart attack, stroke, accident, …. you did your part to make it happen. I’m glad I woke up today, but you definitely shortened my life expectancy. Even if the stress you maliciously inflicted doesn’t kill me, I certainly will be running out of money to live on much sooner and will therefore have to kill myself sooner.

You maliciously inflicted so much emotional distress.

My $5,000 offer to settle this matter expires tomorrow, Friday at 5 pm.

In addition to my other questions, I’ll also appreciate your feedback about the legal issues.

HINT: I don’t appreciate being ignored. After all, my life expectancy is way too short to waste what little time I have.

Is there any reason why I shouldn’t sue Care 1st for intentional and malicious infliction of emotional distress and refusal to provide my records?

Most sincerely,

Christine Baker

8/31/22 3:41 pm:  A deputy called because an insurance company reported me as suicidal.

It must have been Care 1st as I haven’t had any other dealings with insurance today.

I had made the mistake of turning my phone back on because I hoped that the Ombudsman’s Office would call. They did not.

I was on the phone with the deputy for an hour.  A real nice guy, he had seen Elliot around town, but never had any contact with him and did not know what happened to him.

After the call I tried to measure my blood pressure but got only errors.

Today is DAY 2 of the stay I requested Monday night from the court, to give my brain a chance to recover after so much stress, catch up on life, organize my house and documents, and reply to two motions by 9/30.

Now it’s after 6 pm, my day is over, and my brain is fried.  It sucks having PTSD.  Every time I get one of those calls I’m TERRIFIED of going back to the Loony Bin. I literally would rather die right now this second than go back into that shithole.  My 13-year-old mostly blind and deaf dog wouldn’t survive the trauma or the coyotes.

I accomplished NOTHING today but get a lot closer to death.  The imbeciles at Care 1st don’t want to provide my records and don’t want to answer my questions.

Is Care 1st trying to get me killed because they ignored my complaint about the Southwest Loony Bin, a literal shithole?

Or is it because I had questions?

… I can’t get any healthcare and seeing how little Care 1st paid explains it perfectly.

Please let me know when I can expect the actual billing and also the reasons for declining to pay for my medical care or to pay only small percentages of the bills.

I have so many questions!

Here are my emails with Kimberly Silas, tasked by Care 1st with getting me my billing records.

The first email is at the bottom, as in our email chain.

8/31/22 6:50 pm:  


I spoke for over an hour with a deputy due to your FALSE report to the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office that I would commit suicide today.

No doubt, you took weeks or months off my life with your false reports as I will definitely have to kill myself SOONER because of you.

If I wake up dead tomorrow morning, it’s on you.

My blood pressure is so high, I can’t even measure it. All I get is errors.

You have been doing just about everything you could short of hiring an assassin to get me killed. Just so you don’t have to provide my records.

What is in my records that has you so worried?

Does it have to do with my complaint about the Southwest Loony Bin and Care 1st doing NOTHING to stop that literal shitshow?

My DEMAND now increased to $5,000 plus reimbursement to the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office for their time wasted due to your FALSE report.

When can I expect my COMPLETE medical records, payment and answers to my questions?

It’s time for a response from an executive.


Christine Baker

8/31/22 13:30 — I emailed Kimberly after the Crisis Line called AGAIN:


1) When will I get my COMPLETE records?

EVERY record with my name on it or in any way related to me.

2) Just as I was finally immersed into learning new software, the Crisis Line called again “just to check up”.

Yesterday you ruined my day because I had to talk to Travis from the Crisis Line.

I was hoping to hear from the Ombudsman and therefore had turned my phone on. Instead, I just got ANOTHER call from the Crisis Line.

Please immediately contact these idiots and STOP these calls.

I WILL have to kill myself because of ignorant people like you, if you don’t give me a heart attack first.

3) Where do I file a complaint about Care 1st?

What does have to do with my health insurer Care 1st?

4) I appreciate PAYMENT of $1,000 for the stress you inflicted on me.

Due to my working memory failure when very stressed, as I am now, I appreciate COMPENSATION so that I don’t have to kill myself much sooner than I would if you just did your job.

Now I had to turn my phone OFF, although I am so distressed, I might as well quit trying to learn new software.

Thank you,

Christine Baker

After the Crisis Line called yesterday, I wrote to Kimberly again:


You must be one of the dumber people out there.

“I’ll have to commit suicide because I can’t get any healthcare and seeing how little Care 1st paid explains it perfectly.”

INSTEAD of getting me the records I need so that I can live a little longer, you reported me as suicidal, stole my time and ruined my day, taking at least a few days of my life. And maybe I’ll have a heart attack from the stress you just inflicted. My blood is boiling.

Do you have serious brain damage?

Please get your ass in gear to get me my RECORDS and advise when I can expect my records.


Christine Baker

8/30/22 11:30 am: 

Hello Kimberly,

Thank you, that’s a start.

However, I need the ACTUAL bills. EVERY document with my name on it.

I’ll have to commit suicide because I can’t get any healthcare and seeing how little Care 1st paid explains it perfectly.

Please let me know when I can expect the actual billing and also the reasons for declining to pay for my medical care or to pay only small percentages of the bills.



Tuesday, August 30, 2022, 8:08:55 AM Kimberly Silas wrote:

Hi Christine,

I have attached a claims report of all the claims that we have on file. Please let me know if you have any questions or need anything else.

Thank You,

Kimberly Silas

Pronouns: She | Her | Hers

Compliance Specialist
1870 W. Rio Salado Parkway, Suite 2A,
Tempe, AZ 85281
Cell Phone 303-507-3436