I was so hoping for a movie that would keep my mind off the many decisions I have to make.
No such luck with The Gray Man. Have been reading how expensive it was to make and that they’re already working on a spinoff or something.
What a huge disappointment.
I’m about halfway through and finally canceled Netflix. A subscriber since 2014, they know what I like. Definitely not this ultra-lame movie!
Here’s why you don’t need to waste your time, and there’s no spoiler alert because there’s nothing to spoil:
The government recruits a prisoner as their assassin and he ends up working against them. Fights. Torture. Shooting. Plane crash. Explosions. Car chases. Screaming. Torture. Shooting.
I’m at an hour and 28 minutes and predict more shooting, torture, car chases, explosions, screaming, shooting, bla bla bla ….
Of course, the hero survives.
The End. Not a minute too soon!
What a waste of time. Utterly predictable. No intellect. No mystery. No suspense. Boring. Annoying.
I’d rather work on another motion.
Also, EVERYTHING on Netflix has been showing up as already watched. Highly irritating.
For many years Netflix was the only streaming service that worked with my superslow internet connection. Amazon Prime never worked for me. Starlink should be able to handle it.
Netflix has a lot of good stuff, documentaries, and series, but producing a shitty movie like The Gray Man … WOW!
Who LIKES this mindless violence and WHY?
Maybe I can find season 6 of Better Call Saul. That show was a lot more fun and interesting. I stopped watching Breaking Bad too because it was so violent.
Update 8/18/22:
Incredibly, I got ready to watch something on Amazon Prime and Starlink went down. As if Netflix or “someone” really did not want my brain to get a little break.
Ended up listening to Huberman’s latest podcast while taking some notes about the motion I had to write today. Of course, I forgot that I had taken any notes when I wrote my motion today. And right now, after filing it less than an hour ago just before 5 pm, my brain is so fried I cannot remember what Huberman and his guest talked about. I’ve been going to sleep to this podcast since last Sunday and all I know right now is that it’s very interesting and I wanted to post about it.
My memory is seriously failing. Bad things will happen if I don’t get a few days away from the computer and especially court crap so my brain can recover.