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Category: Baker v. Southwest Behavioral et al

Attorneys Michael Navratil, Leslie McLean, Kathleen S. Elder and Emily C. Cunion: please identify my factually inaccurate and defamatory arguments

attorneys Michael Navratil (John H Cotton & Associates), Leslie McLean (Gust Rosenfeld, P.L.C.), Kathleen S. Elder (Jones, Skelton & Hochuli P.L.C.) and Emily C. Cunion (Zelms Erlich & Mack) implied to the court that I committed perjury and submitted factually inaccurate and defamatory arguments and that my lawsuit was a sham.

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Mohave County abandons gravely ill homeless man to die in the desert in violation of Arizona state law

Since 8/4/22 I’ve been trying to get mentally ill and homeless Elliot out of the desert before he dies.

911, the Sheriff’s Office, Crisis Line, KRMC, Mohave Mental Health, Southwest Behavioral, Superior Court judge pro tem Kenneth Gregory and Chief Civil Deputy County Attorney Ryan Esplin all participate in the systemic extermination of the disadvantaged.

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