Found my 2/2020 test results at

I remembered NOTHING. I GUESSED any correct answers!

The only people with LESS cognitive ability and memory are my doctors.

I sought treatment for my working memory loss when stressed and was so desperate, but they locked me up in the Loony Bin instead of helping me, inflicting so much trauma.  To date, and despite my lawsuit filed in January 2022 in Mohave County superior court, I still got NO diagnosis or treatment whatsoever.

Suicide is my only option as I can’t live on $266/month social security and the funds from my inheritance are almost gone.  I’ll have to sell my unfinished house and then I can find a nice place to kill myself.  I can’t make a living with my fucked up brain.

The doctors prefer to pay lawyers INSTEAD of finally diagnosing and treating my working memory issues.

Attorney Kathleen Elder, PARTNER at Jones, Skelton & Hochuli, P.L.C., currently argues on behalf of Kingman neurologist Abhinav Ohri and KRMC that this LACK of any diagnosis and treatment is the medical standard in Arizona.

Really, attorney Elder?


So I just took the Everyday Cognition test at

See how quickly and accurately you can complete these digital versions of everyday tasks

Estimated time: 19 minutes

I’m sure I would have scored a lot better if I got to practice for a few days.

I do so well on BrainHQ with brain speed after I practiced the exercises for a while, but have so much trouble LEARNING and FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS.

I think it was the 2nd test where I did NOT get that I was supposed to CLICK on my selection with the mouse and I kept using the keyboard letters a and b.   It took me the longest time to figure out why it wasn’t working!

Can someone get me a new brain?

It’s good to see that there is at least some improvement over the last two years, but I cannot get over the loss of working memory when STRESSED, such as when facing a deadline.  Many of these tests were timed and I just got flustered.

Why does the scoring make no sense to me?

For example, I can’t figure out the scoring for the last exercise.

No matter how many times I read it.

“Higher scores reflect better cognitive inhibition ability.”

So why do the scores go UP as people get older?

The first test scoring is just as weird:

If MY score is HIGHER than the average, why did I score higher than only 1 out of 10 people?

I should excel at this as it’s similar to the BrainHQ exercises I’m so good at.

Attorney Elder, how did you do on this test?

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She’s my most loyal reader 🙂

I sent an email with the URL to this page to TestMyBrain, inquiring about the scoring, and will update with the response.   This is the kind of stuff that drives me CRAZY!

Why can’t I figure this out?

UPDATE with the 7/26/22 TestMyBrain response, thank you!

Hi Christine,

Thank you so much for reaching out for clarification.

For these tests, the majority of our participants (including you) got all or most of the answers correct.

Our “blue people” graphic shows the decile that your score falls in. This is definitely not the most intuitive graphic. Intuitively, one would expect if you get all the questions correct and your score is above average, you’d expect to be scored higher than most of the participants.

I’ll walk you through the calculation and an example to clarify:

Here’s an excerpt from an article ( that describes how to calculate deciles with examples. “Deciles are numbers that split a dataset into ten groups of equal frequency. The first decile is the point where 10% of all data values lie below it.”

Let’s consider an example that demonstrates the calculation.

Number of participants below your bin = 700

Number of participants total = 2700

Your decile = Number of participants below your decile bin/Total participants = 700/2700 = 0.26

I hope that clarifies the graphic. We are actively working on changing this as it confuses a lot of people, not just you!  We appreciate your feedback as it helps us understand what parts of the results are confusing and how we can improve them.

The TestMyBrain team

I’m going to have to look at this again when I have more time because I still don’t really understand it and I’m working on litigation stuff, can’t focus on this right now.  Brain damage …