WHERE and HOW is Elliot?
8/23/22 ANALYSIS of attorney Esplin’s email
Mohave County Primer: Racism, Fascism, and Corruption
8/23/22 Chief Civil Deputy County Attorney Ryan Esplin’s email
8/22/22 my email to Attorney Ryan Esplin
Since 8/4/22 I have been spending most waking hours trying to get help for Elliot, the gravely ill homeless man who used to be in Kingman and likely well over a month ago walked out into the desert along Stockton Hill Rd close to Mile Marker 15.
Yesterday I spent all day summarizing my nightmarish dealings with the Mohave County Sheriff’s Office and Deputy County Attorney Ryan Esplin, desperately trying to find out whether they finally had Elliot picked up for evaluation:
Yesterday evening I emailed the link to attorney Esplin with my request to advise of any incorrect statements, info about Elliot and several other issues addressed below.
Today, 8/23/22, attorney Ryan Esplin failed to request any corrections and the above post is therefore deemed accurate.
Attorney Esplin CONTINUED to refuse to disclose where and how Elliot is, citing ARS 36-509, the statute that actually states that I am entitled to Elliot’s information. The lies … explained in my Analysis below.
I requested info from Mohave County Attorney Matthew J. Smith about Elliot, comments and corrections to this post and I asked where to complain about the Mohave County Attorney’s Office.
Presumably, he agrees with Ryan Esplin’s ludicrous email as he was copied and he has NOT contacted me to apologize and to make things right.
Update 8/25/22 12:25 am: County Attorney Smith did not contacted me yesterday. I’m guessing the AZ AG is next.
Filed a complaint about Southwest Behavioral nurse Paula Brungardt (rejected my Application) with the Arizona State Board of Nursing.
8/23/22 ANALYSIS of attorney Esplin’s email — Lies, lies and more lies …
Our office has been respectful and polite to you, and we dispute that we have treated you otherwise.
Ryan Esplin ADMITS to receiving and IGNORING my emails! Their employees refused to transfer me to an attorney to assist me and Elliot, lectured me on his civil rights, and hung up on me!
That’s what Mohave County calls “respectful?”
I can’t wait to see what Mohave County Attorney Matthew J. Smith has to say about that.
I had informed attorney Esplin in my 8/16 email:
“2) When I called today because I had not received a response from your office regarding my message, I was told that nothing was received and that there is no option to submit messages from your website:
Please note the link to: “Send us an email”
I was hung up on by Kelly, a legal secretary who insisted that I needed to go to Southwest, even after advising several times that Southwest already rejected my Application and after reading my message to her. Kelly also refused to provide me with your email address and insisted that I leave a phone number so you could call me.
I advised Kelly twice that I have brain damage and cannot do phone calls. I have to be mentally prepared and my phone is usually off because I cannot handle the constant disruptions, am very busy fighting for my own as well as Elliot’s life.
Is this how your office is supposed to handle calls?
I’ve been hung up on multiple times. How many people have your secretaries killed by refusing to assist and transfer callers to an attorney?”
THAT is of course the million-dollar question:
How many mentally ill homeless have the Mohave County Attorney’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office KILLED?
Sadly, just about nobody cares. The homeless have no value to the psychopaths who run Mohave County and the mostly far right voters.
The good news is that attorney Esplin requested NO corrections to my posting and he, therefore, admits that my post is accurate.
Regarding my request to investigate KRMC’s refusal to accept my Title 36-524 Application, attorney Esplin wrote:
Further, this office does not regulate medical hospitals, and our office would not be authorized to investigate KRMC’s refusal to admit Elliot. If you believe that a criminal action has occurred, please refer the matter to law enforcement. They have the resources to investigate criminal allegations, and upon competition of their investigation they will forward to the County Attorney’s Office for review and prosecution if warranted.
I am fully aware that the County Attorney’s Office does not regulate hospitals and was not asking for “regulation”, but to enforce Title 36.
According to my research I have no private right of action against KRMC. This means that the GOVERNMENT must enforce the law, I can not sue KRMC as a private party.
Why are they NOT enforcing the law pertaining to Title 36?
Who enforces Title 36 requirements?
Why is he talking about MY beliefs regarding criminal action?
They are the lawyers and self-proclaimed experts on Title 36. And they KNOW that “law enforcement” is determined to get Elliot killed. He has the transcript and audio of my call with deputy Rider.
Regarding my request for immediate information about Elliot’s location and condition:
I am prohibited by law to discuss with you information related to a Title 36 evaluation, examination or treatment. See ARS 36-509. My staff and I take serious the rights of patients in a Title 36 action, and we work diligently to ensure that we follow due process and the rule of law when seeking a Title 36 order.
From https://www.azleg.gov/ars/36/00509.htm
“A. A health care entity must keep records and information contained in records confidential and not as public records, except as provided in this section. Records and information contained in records may be disclosed only as authorized by state or federal law, including the health insurance portability and accountability act privacy standards (45 Code of Federal Regulations part 160 and part 164, subpart E), or as follows to:
7. Persons, including family members, other relatives, close personal friends or any other person identified by the patient, as otherwise authorized or required by state or federal law, including the health insurance portability and accountability act of 1996 privacy standards (45 Code of Federal Regulations part 160 and part 164, subpart E), or pursuant to one of the following:
(d) In order for the health care entity to notify a family member, friend or other person involved in the patient’s care, treatment or supervision of the patient’s location, general condition or death.” [Emphasis added]
I am Elliot’s ONLY friend, as evidenced by the fact that I cared enough for Elliot to spend the last 3 WEEKS doing almost nothing but trying to get help for Elliot.
I am obviously “involved” as MY name is on the notarized Application!
I am spitting nails!
WHERE and HOW is Elliot?
Regarding my inquiry about the Mohave County Guide to Title 36:
Mohave County does not have a “guide to Title 36” on its website. Our office follows the statutes and law related to Title 36, and we have the experience, resources, and knowledge to properly handle them.
I have yet to find anyone at the Mohave County Attorney’s Office with the “knowledge” to “properly” handle requests for assistance.
“Somebody” needs to immediately create the Guide to Title 36 for Mohave County.
We need to STOP the SYSTEMIC extermination of the mentally ill and/or homeless by the Mohave County Attorney’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office!
Finally a good answer:
You may file complaints about my actions with my immediate supervisor, James Schoppmann, who has been included on this email, as well as the elected County Attorney, Matt Smith (also included on this email). You may also file complaints with the Arizona Bar Association.
I’ll skip the immediate supervisor James Schoppman and we’ll see what ELECTED County Attorney Matt Smith has to say.
Sadly, the majority of Mohave County voters could not possibly care less about people like Elliot.
Attorney Esplin entirely FAILED to address my request for compensation.
A brief summary of the Mohave County corruption and radicalization
It may seem like these issues are off-topic, but the big picture is most important for readers outside Mohave County. Few realize the extent of the corruption and why Elliot was left to die in the desert despite my countless efforts and after contacting so many agencies and organizations.
Most Mohave County voters still believe that the election was stolen and FACTS never matter unless they support THEIR position.
The militias are HUGE here.
Mohave County is an extremely POOR county.
Unsurprising, as it has been mismanaged by Republicans for many decades. Many elections are decided in the PRIMARIES, since there are no candidates from other parties.
In 2016 I even had a campaign sign for Sheriff Schuster on my truck. He was NOT calling for the deportation of all Muslims, and was NOT an openly white supremacist and/or far right as the other candidates.
I could write at least 100 pages just about the sheriff’s office refusals to provide crime statistics, to retrieve stolen property, and sheriff Schuster refusing to enforce Covid shutdowns and mandates. Sheriff Schuster was celebrated on Fox News as the defender of freedom and liberty! How many people did Sheriff Schuster get killed? How many got Long Covid?
I should have expected that the Mohave County Attorney’s Office and the Sheriff’s Office would refuse to assist gravely ill homeless people as a matter of policy.
Our Board of Supervisors renamed a road after far-right domestic terrorist LaVoy Finicum.
Finicum was killed after occupying the Oregon Malheur National Wildlife Refuge:
Domestic Terrorism: An Overview
A divisive road: Public records shed light on nation’s reaction to Mohave County’s controversial decision to name road after LaVoy Finicum
It wasn’t like this when I moved here in 2000. I learned about Timothy McVeigh practing his bomb-making skills here, some gun nuts and survivalists and there were many conservatives, but we all got along.
The radicalization of rural America and particularly Mohave County began in 2008 after Obama became President.
He dared to be BLACK and run for office. I know of only one black person in Meadview and he’s not here to stay.
In 2014 a Mohave County VFW group was expecting Obama to impose Martial law and they were actively preparing for civil war. Their plan included stripping women of their rights, aligned with misogynist Andrew Tate:
Next, Trump empowered the racists, Nazis, and fascists.
During the George Floyd protests in 2020, Kingman Police, sheriff Schuster, and countless others condoned the violent threats against protesters on Facebook.
Despite my numerous requests for comments, nobody ever denied that the Kingman Police was and likely still is standing 100% with the far-right militia threatening to kill the protesters.
Just like attorney Ryan Esplin, they IGNORED my repeated inquiries.
Mohave County law enforcement and government are standing with the far-right terrorists, fascists, Nazis, and racists who are threatening murder on social media.
Dave Riem: Hey KINGMAN !
Get Ready!
The thugs will be in town this Tuesday through Saturday .
The two bitches hosting this need a sniper round .
And anybody else that gets in the way .
Polish your postols and wipe down your rifles .
Enough is enough !
The “two bitches” were the organizers of a Kingman demonstration against racism and the heinous murder of George Floyd.
Supervisor Jean Bishop wrote:
It is my understanding there were no issues with the protesters. …
There were no issues because only about 20 people showed up.
Most were afraid for their lives.
I didn’t attend the demonstration because I didn’t want to die.
Supervisor Jean Bishop can’t possibly be THAT stupid and not get that.
Meadview loves her and she even has an organized group of supporters swooning around her. We have no shortage of narcissists, psychopaths, sociopaths, and really DUMB voters.
There are no meaningful candidate debates because rarely any Democrat or Independent runs for office in Mohave County. If they do, they are mostly ignored. And as with sheriff Schuster, Jean Bishop is not the worst. One of her 2016 opponents, Rick Armstrong, is now a militia leader.
In defense of the “dumb” voters, I estimate that at least half the county residents suffer from dementia.
We have a very old population as many move here to retire in one of the most beautiful deserts on the planet. Most residents don’t even know that they suffer from cognitive decline because their doctors tell them they’re fine until they can’t remember their own names.
It takes one to know one.
I have brain damage and despite my lawsuit, I cannot get any diagnosis or treatment for my stress-induced working memory failure:
I could write thousands of pages about the corruption of the Mohave County courts.
Mohave County has a long history of corruption.
And it’s only getting worse with so many still claiming that the election was stolen. The militias are ready for civil war. Veiled and open threats are now “normal” and to my knowledge, condoned by all officials.
According to the Census, we do have quite a few registered Democrats in Meadview, but few dare to speak out. They are afraid to be shunned and expelled from organizations and their cliques. They are bullied into silence.
Of course, I have no expectation of a “real” investigation of Mohave County government agencies REFUSING to comply with Title 36.
All I can do is DOCUMENT the corruption of all involved.
Sadly, it is to be expected that most voters will want the mentally ill homeless left to die in the desert.
8/23/22 Chief Civil Deputy County Attorney Ryan Esplin’s email
Ms. Baker:
Thank you for the email. Our office has been respectful and polite to you, and we dispute that we have treated you otherwise.
Further, this office does not regulate medical hospitals, and our office would not be authorized to investigate KRMC’s refusal to admit Elliot. If you believe that a criminal action has occurred, please refer the matter to law enforcement. They have the resources to investigate criminal allegations, and upon competition of their investigation they will forward to the County Attorney’s Office for review and prosecution if warranted.
I am prohibited by law to discuss with you information related to a Title 36 evaluation, examination or treatment. See ARS 36-509. My staff and I take serious the rights of patients in a Title 36 action, and we work diligently to ensure that we follow due process and the rule of law when seeking a Title 36 order.
Mohave County does not have a “guide to Title 36” on its website. Our office follows the statutes and law related to Title 36, and we have the experience, resources, and knowledge to properly handle them.
You may file complaints about my actions with my immediate supervisor, James Schoppmann, who has been included on this email, as well as the elected County Attorney, Matt Smith (also included on this email). You may also file complaints with the Arizona Bar Association.
Once again, I will not comment further on this matter. Have a good day.
Ryan H. Esplin
Chief Civil Deputy County Attorney, Mohave County, Arizona
Mohave County Attorney Office – Civil Division
P.O. Box 7000
Kingman, AZ 86402-7000
Tel: 928-753-0770, ext. 4631To ensure compliance with the Arizona Open Meeting Law, members of the Board of Supervisors who have received this message may reply directly to the sender, but should not forward it or send a copy of their reply to other Board Members. Board Members may reply to a staff member regarding this message, but they should not send a copy of the reply to other Board members.
8/22/22: My Email to Chief Civil Deputy County Attorney Ryan Esplin
8/22/22 7:07 pm
Mr. Esplin,
I don’t appreciate being ignored and I’ve suffered enough abuse by you and your office.
1) I posted a brief summary of the events relating to my attempts to get Elliot help at:
Please advise of any incorrect statements as I am sending this page to regulators, legislators, organization and media.
As we are moving to the next level, I will create a new post about my dealings with you and MCSO. If I don’t die first.
2) Please investigate KRMC’s refusal to have Elliot admitted.
See Exh. 10 to my EMERGENCY Motion, my FB messages with KRMC.
3) Where is the Mohave County Guide to Title 36?
At https://repairthebrain.com/mohave-county-abandons-gravely-ill-homeless-man-to-die-in-the-desert-in-violation-of-arizona-state-law/#cochisecounty is the information provided by Cochise County and Pima County.
4) Where can I file formal complaints about you, your office and MCSO?
Your office hung up on me on several occasions. You FAILED to respond to my repeated requests for assistance!
To date I have no idea what, if anything, you have done to save Elliot’s life.
5) I don’t know where Elliot is and whether he is still alive.
On 8/16/22 judge Kenneth Gregory encouraged me “to report the matter to the Mohave County Attorney-Civil Division”, knowing that your office had previously hung up on me. As I had no other options, I went through hell to get your email address because again numerous persons in your office refused to assist me.
You and your office treated me like a piece of shit, hanging up on me, ignoring me, failing to advise on the status of my request for assistance.
Unlike you, I have empathy and compassion. Your refusal to properly communicate with me and to keep me informed could literally kill me. I spend most waking hours tremendously stressed because NOBODY is helping Elliot. He could still be out there in the desert slowly dying.
You need to IMMEDIATELY inform me about your “pending case.” Presumably you are referring to my request for assistance with getting Southwest to accept my notarized 36-524 Application.
Where and how is Elliot???
6) As you know, I will be committing suicide when I can’t afford to live anymore.
Ending up like Elliot, sitting in filth in the desert while waiting for strangers to bring me food and water until I die is my worst nightmare.
You may have shortened my life by a month or more already.
Don’t I deserve compensation for my time and suffering?
I can’t earn a living while working on getting Elliot out of the desert because you don’t do your job. I have brain damage and it is very difficult for me to research and organize. I get very high blood pressure when stressed and frustrated and I could suffer a heart attack or stroke any moment.
Attorney Esplin, apparently I can’t make you do your job, but I will do what I can to get you and Sheriff Schuster fired.
If others suffered harm due to your refusal to do your job I hope you will rot in prison.
Most sincerely,
Christine Baker