… Dr. Preston Phillips, one of the doctors killed in a shooting at St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa on Wednesday, is being remembered by friends and colleagues as a kind man who made a positive impact. …

A man who blamed his surgeon for continuing pain after a recent back operation bought an AR-style rifle and opened fire hours later at a Tulsa medical office, killing the doctor and three other people in an attack that ended with him taking his own life, police said Thursday.

The gunman called the clinic repeatedly complaining of pain and specifically targeted the doctor who performed the surgery, Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin said. …

I didn’t see any mention of the hospital’s and doctor’s RESPONSE to the complaints about pain.

Were the shooter’s complaints about pain ignored?

What did they do to HELP him?

My defendants are incredibly lucky that I have way too much compassion and empathy to kill them and their vile attorneys.

It is notable that today, over two years after I requested my medical records, I still don’t have them.   Some defendants are STILL dodging service. NOBODY apologized.  I’m still waiting to get approved for a blood panel and it’s been well over a year.

Attorney Kathleen Elder for KRMC already promised me that I’ll be bankrupted by the litigation. 

Of course, I’m fully aware that I’ll be ordered to pay the defendants’ costs and attorneys fees when they prevail for whatever reason and if I haven’t had a stress-induced heart attack or accident by then, my lack of income will leave no option but suicide.  Which is WHY I’m suing, I don’t have the money to pay for treatment myself and I can’t live on $266 social security.

It is what it is.  That’s “justice” in America.

With the exception of North Country, who DID provide my medical records and chose to be represented by attorney Leslie McLean, apparently a human being.  Most corporate attorneys I’ve dealt with (many) seem a lot more like psychopaths, with no compassion, no empathy and at least a little sadistic. They don’t even blink and take any opportunity to get someone killed.

There’s no justice.  No right and wrong.

Whoever pays the most ruthless liar prevails.

In my case, I couldn’t get an attorney if I had $100k to give them.   And you see the impact of our INJUSTICE sytem when you search the Kingman docket.   There are hardly ANY medical malpractice cases and most are dismissed quickly.

I’ve learned so much in my life, to experience how heartless, ruthless and cruel doctors are is shocking.

Just like those evil lawyers.

Of course, ultimately, the fault lies with our LEGISLATORS, who are mostly lawyers.