It’s after 10 pm and I just realized I didn’t take my “morning” supplements yet. Sigh … another busy day. I took them now and will take the evening supplements around 2 am when I go to bed.
My biggest problem used to be refilling once a week. I got two of those pill organizers at the 99 Cents store a long time ago. When I decided to double up so I only have to refill every two weeks, they didn’t have them. Ordered some at Amazon, but not only did they cost much more, but they were smaller.
Finally, 99 Cents had them again and I stocked up! Even two weeks go by so fast, time flies.
So here is my spreadsheet with all the supplements I’m currently taking:
I was motivated yesterday because I also got my Inside Tracker lab results and my glucose was “only” 90, down from around 100. Still way too high.
It could have been worse, so much STRESS!
There is nothing I can do to reduce the stress.
I have to litigate because I need healthcare and $$$.
I have to run the vacation rental because I can’t live on $266/month.
It’s quite an accomplishment that I can work 12 – 14 hour days again, day after day after day after day after day …. Up from about 2 hours after the Loony Bin.
Fortunately, I often work in the garden, and cleaning the rental is almost like a vacation. But the constant stress related to maintenance, not being able to get appliances repaired, the extraordinary incompetence I encounter continually, the rampant FRAUD, almost everybody lying and ripping me off. That’s the STRESS that’s killing me.
I watch docuseries and interviews with experts talking about taking time off to do something for yourself.
I can’t think of anything!
Most of my friends died or moved away. The few friends who still live here are in their 80s, too old and sick to go out and have fun. And I don’t want to make new friends and watch them commit suicide by food and lifestyle or overdose on their opiates when they no longer have the will to live.
Not to mention that I have little in common with most people around here. So many still think that the election was stolen and that owning assault rifles is extremely important, but we don’t need healthcare. That in itself is a huge stressor, knowing that everything will likely get a lot worse, maybe even civil war. Many here have been ready since 2008. Every time I drive to the paved road I see two giant Brandon and Trump flags. Wish I could just stay at home.
I’m so glad I got the gardens and so many animals to watch.
The quail and their babies, roadrunners, countless lizards, the ground squirrels clowning around, ravens looking for snacks, so many birds, bees, and insects, kangaroo rats jumping around at night, an owl baby waiting for them, coyotes checking the compost and occasionally snakes coming through.
It’s not entirely stress-free, as they want to eat each other, but for the most part, working in the garden is the best part of my day. Just wish I had more time.
Thank the Goddess for DOGS.
Always happy to see me, never mean and so much fun. And they have such a hard time lying to me, it’s usually hilarious when they try to hide their bad deeds. Need laughs more than anything.
Since I can’t eliminate stress, I have to become more resilient.
I need to get my blood sugar down and to accomplish that I need a continuous glucose monitor. Once I can see in real time how different foods affect me, I can make adjustments. Substitute. Cook different. Combine foods. Eliminate foods. I need to see what eating my fruit does to my blood sugar. I start eating fruit while it’s still very sour but just got fruit protectors so I don’t have to compete with the birds and can wait for SWEET fruit.
Unfortunately, I got the “essential” Inside Tracker labs last week and I’m missing critical info.
So I finally have my supplement spreadsheet, but don’t have some of the tests I really needed. And I’m running out of money fast. Wish I could afford to pay a health coach to tell me which labs to get and which supplements to buy. I’ll have to learn all about the tests and supplements and will be posting about the individual supplements and labs, hopefully soon.